Others who bought this have said...
The bag is bright, colourful and robust. A little large for the pink swan soother purchased but I can pad it out with tissue paper.
My 17 month old granddaughter used it as a shopping bag to put her easter eggs in when she found them.
The perfect finishing touch for your gift and big enough to sit Casper the Cat in
I bought two of these to use at Christmas, for Bashful Bunnies. They are really strong, and the design is really bold and striking. They were really well packaged, to avoid them getting damaged. Arrived really quickly.
The item was in perfect condition as advertised and arrived on the very next day. I phoned for some help on delivery times and the service was extremely helpful and very friendly. Perfect.
Finished the Merryday Cat gift off wonderfully with a gift bag - present was ready to go straight away.
This was a brilliant addition for a cat-lover. I accidentally ordered 2 and a quick email to plushpaws sorted it out without any fuss. Excellent, Thank-you.